Modern solutions against cross-site attacks

NB: This is the text/html version of my talk from the German OWASP Day 2024 in Leipzig earlier this month. If you prefer, there is also a video from the event.

Title Slide. Firefox log in the top right. Headline is "Dealing with Cross-Site Attacks". Presentation from Frederik Braun held at German OWASP Day 2024 in Leipzig

This article is about cross-site leak attacks and what recent defenses have been introduced to counter them. I also want to finally answer the question why web security best practices is always opt-in and finally how YOU can get increased security controls.

The W3C HTML Design Principles state that

"When considering changes to legacy features or behavior... ... the benefit of the proposed change should be weighed against the likely cost of breaking content [...] In some cases, it may be desirable to make a nonstandard feature or behavior part of the conforming language, if it satisfies a valid use case."

So, in essence, this means that it should be avoided or at least be very hard to remove APIs from the web, once they have been widely used.


A great example is for this is XML·Http·Request (or XHR): The first iteration of this API started with Microsoft building a proprietary feature into IE 5 to dynamically make HTTP requests. It became widely used and other browsers defined a standard around it - retroactively in 2006. I'm sure many readers have heard of or used XMLHttpRequest. Though I bet very few of you actually use it for XML. And, we actually have a better function. Remember what that one's called? Yep, fetch. Can you guess how long we've had fetch()? Almost 10 years. And browsers are still supporting XHR - they likely will keep doing so forever.

The real world does not reflect best practices

In essence, the real world is always going to lag behind best practices. That means, whenever you want to protect your website against an attack, you will have to step up and do something on your own.

And this brings us to Cross-Site Leaks (xsleaks): The issue with xsleaks - a we are about to see - is that a lot of these attacks are very site-specific. Many of the attacks in the xsleaks category depend on certain site behavior, like for example timing attacks. Instead, we find a lot of usage of an API that is totally fine and secure for some websites but may be horribly insecure for others. xsleaks happen in the gray area, between "secure API" and "insecure API".

Detecting login status by leaking the amount of frames across origins

Diagram showing a browser window and a popup. They are both colored in light blue (cyan) to indicate they are in the same origin. They have full bidirection access to each other.

Popups are a good example. As you will see in the diagram above, the return value of gives a reference to the popup window. And the popup gets a reference to the main window with the opener variable. If the pop-up is same-origin, there is full DOM access through both of these window handles.

Diagram showing a cyan-colored browser window and a yellow popup. The colors indicate that they are in different origins. They do have bidirectional access on a limited set of properties. As an example, we list the "frame" property.

For cross-origin popups (yellow window in the picture above), access is already restricted but some stuff is still leaking: An example that might be somewhat odd is that the length property can be used to identify how many frames a window handle has. And just because of how some websites work, the amount of frames can be used for login detection. Basically, whether you are logged in or not results in some specific amount of frames, which is the same value for all users and thus a worthy signal for attackers.

The authors of the research paper "Finding All Cross-Site Needles in the DOM Stack: A Comprehensive Methodology for the Automatic XS-Leak Detection in Web Browsers" found that on 20 out of the top 50 web pages, they could easily detect if the user was logged in.

But there are many more things that can leak across origins. The paper From a Formal Model to the Automatic Evaluation of Cross-Site Leaks in Web Browsers by the same authors shows that there are countless ways to leak HTTP Status Codes, Response Headers, the amount of redirects that URL experience, the length of a URL after redirects and so much more.

So, in essence, there are a lot of cross-site leaks out there. They might use images, videos, iframes, popups. These are all widely used and important APIs that browsers can't directly remove or modify from the web.

What if we wanted to deprecate web APIs?

Let's take a quick detour and consider what it would look like to remove an API in a distributed system? The way you usually deal with that is by following roughly these four steps.

  1. You write a new improved function
  2. You disallow new code to use the old function (through a linter, static analysis, etc.)
  3. You start to refactor all existing code to use the new API. (You may have to iterate, change the new API, work with mismatched expectations. You may have to seek code review from a wide group of people and it will take a lot of time. But eventually - eventually! - you will get there. Because you removed new usage of the old API. If you were to track this in a line graph, the line plotting usage of the bad API would only know one direction. Down.)
  4. Eventually, you will be able to remove the bad API completely.

However, what would a deprecation on the web look like? Sure, we can provide a new API. Of course, we can also discourage new usage of a bad API though developer tools, warnings or advocacy. Maybe even reach out to big websites. But essentially, you will never be able to control what new code is written. In fact, there is no conceivable way to refactor or rewrite existing code on the web. So, we can not easily deprecate or discourage people from writing new code using bad APIs. We simply can not remove bad APIs as long as they are widely used.

The best you can do is provide an opt-out: Encourage websites to not make use of the bad APIs and allow them to state somewhere a priori such that the browser may enable some new protections for them.

Security headers are hope

However, there is hope. I believe that these options are worth it. And there is value in looking into your site and adopting new protections, when you can.

Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP)

The diagram from above, but with different effects due to Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy. Light blue window and two popups. The light blue popup gets full DOM access as before. The yellow (cross-origin) popup gets no window handle at all.

Speaking of these optional controls: There is a HTTP response header called Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP) that allows your website to opt out of providing window handles in cross-origin contexts.

If you provide a value of same-origin, then all popups for your own website will continue to work. However, any cross-site popup situation will lead to removed window handles.

As we have seen before, popups are not the only source of cross-site leaks. So now, you wonder, how can you prevent your web page and its content from being embedded on an attacker website.

Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy (CORP)

Diagram of a web page requesting things from an asset CDN, which is using Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy. Therefore the browser will block all loads from a third-party sites.

Preventing your content from being embedded cross-site is easily done with Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy (CORP) and a value of e.g., same-site. In this case, you can rely that all sorts of embeds are disallowed at the browser level (hey, anyone remember "hot link" detections?). However, this might be too strict and not nuanced enough, for example if some resources are public or are supposed to be used in some contexts but not all.

Fetch metadata request headers

But maybe these controls are not granular enough for you. Maybe, you want to control on more aspects than just the origin or the site. Then Fetch Metadata Request Headers are for you.

If you have recently inspected a HTTP GET request in the browser, you might have noticed that it is sending a lot of headers. These Sec-Fetch-prefixed headers provide a great level of detail about what the browser is actually trying to do with the resource it is requesting. Here is an example.

Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
Sec-Fetch-Site: none
Sec-Fetch-User: ?1

The headers will provide information about the fetch destination (e.g., img element, script element etc.), the request mode (e.g., cors) and the site (e.g., whether the request was same-site, same-origin or cross-origin). This can be used to build really granular security controls. In essence, by using Fetch metadata, you may build a protection that allows all sort of same-site requests similar to what CORP (above) has already allowed.

Diagram of a web page requesting things from an asset CDN. The web page is cross-origin so the asset CDN is inspecting the fetch metadata and controlling what load to allow. For example, it is allowing an image load but disallowing scripts and iframes.

However, you can provide more fine-grained access to some resources for cross-origin content. For example, image inclusion might just be fine. Whereas you may not want cross-origin content to load your scripts or put your resources into an iframe.

An interactive Demo

If you want to see a demo of this, try opening my test page Then open devtools and try loading that URL from an embed, object or iframe element. Like in this demo page from Live DOM Viewer.

Do you see how it doesn't allow to be embedded? If you take a look at the network tab in devtools (and refresh), you will also notice that the request headers are indeed different for each of these embedding attempts. Note, how the browser is sending all of this specific metadata.

Going further, take a look at the PHP source code for my demo page. It's not brilliant, but that's my point. You can build these kinds of protections with very little code and they will work. (My code is for a "fun" interactive demo. Ideally, you would not build a block-list of preventable request destinations. You should build an allow-list of acceptable destinations).

$headers = getallheaders();
if (isset($headers['Sec-Fetch-Dest'])) {
    $dest = $headers['Sec-Fetch-Dest'];
else {
    exit("This does not appear to be a valid browser request.\n");
// Frame protection
$forbidden_destinations = [
    'iframe' => "This page can not be embedded via iframe elements.\n",
    'object' => "This page can not be embedded via object elements.\n",
    'embed' => "This page can not be embedded via embed elements.\n",
    'fencedframe' => "Sorry, but fencedframs are not a thing.\n",
    'frame' => "Wow, the 90s called and want their frames back. No can do, friend.\n"
// Note, this is supposed to be an educational demo explaining how the
// ... destination is reacted to by the server.
// If you do this at home, convert the check into an allow list instead.
if (isset($forbidden_destinations[$dest])) {

This kind of protection is also called a "resource isolation policy".

Closing thoughts

Security is opt-in, but the browser has your back and there are nice ways to improve security gradually. If you want to improve security you have to move.


Thank you for reading.

If you find a mistake in this article, you can submit a pull request on GitHub.

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