I spent a few days working on a security review for Thunderbird's HTML sanitizer. Thunderbird has three presets for viewing mail: Original HTML, Simple HTML, and Plain Text. No matter which preset the user prefers, emails should not execute JavaScript. And this is where the HTML sanitizer joins our party.
This security review was discussed in one of my first weeks at Mozilla and though being a very interesting topic, it soon occured to me that I might have bitten off more than I could chew. So the security review got stuck in my queue and I finally dared to take a stab at it months later. (Thanks to those fellow Mozillians who helped me getting started!)
The key lesson about HTML sanitizers is: Don't even consider writing your own.
So without further ado, I started collecting bits and pieces together. First I required creating a recent build of Thunderbird. Then I looked into XPCShell tests (unit tests using Mozilla's privileged JavaScript libraries) and the nsIParserUtils interface. My next step was writing a basic sanitizer call, and it turned out comparably easy:
var ParserUtils = Cc["@mozilla.org/parserutils;1"].getService(Ci.nsIParserUtils);
var sanitizeFlags = ParserUtils.SanitizerCidEmbedsOnly|ParserUtils.SanitizerDropForms|ParserUtils.SanitizerDropNonCSSPresentation;
var output = ParserUtils.sanitize("XXX HTML here", sanitizeFlags);
With this prototype, I could easily loop around a dataset of HTML vectors. For this I chose the vectors from the html5 security cheat sheet and RSnake's old XSS cheat sheet (thank you guys!)
Thankfully the html5 security cheat sheet has its attacks in a
JSON file.
Extracting them was as easy as taking this dataset and joining the vectors
with the file that contains the actual attack payload,
(i.e., JavaScript alerts and other triggers in various encodings). The
XPCShell comes with a load()
function which makes it very easy to include these JSON files.
The full test then looks a bit like this:
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
var Cc = Components.classes;
// gives us an items object:
// possible payloads for within those vectors (items[x].data)
// from html5sec.org's import.js:
for (var item in items) {
// replace the payload templates
for (var payload in payloads) {
var regex = new RegExp('%' + payload + '%', 'gm');
items[item].data = items[item].data.replace(regex, payloads[payload]);
if (items[item].attachment && items[item].attachment.raw) {
items[item].attachment.raw = items[item].attachment.raw.replace(regex, payloads[payload]);
// initialize parser object
var ParserUtils = Cc["@mozilla.org/parserutils;1"].getService(Ci.nsIParserUtils);
var sanitizeFlags = ParserUtils.SanitizerCidEmbedsOnly|ParserUtils.SanitizerDropForms|ParserUtils.SanitizerDropNonCSSPresentation;
for (var item in items) {
// sanitize vector
var out = ParserUtils.sanitize(items[item].data, sanitizeFlags);
items[item].sanitized = out;
// results for html5sec cheat sheet
var mini_items = items.map(function(e) { return {data:e.data, sanitized:e.sanitized}; });
load("xss_rsnake.js"); // array of rsnake xss cheat sheet entries
rsnake_results = [];
for (var i in xss_rsnake) {
var out = ParserUtils.sanitize(xss_rsnake[i], sanitizeFlags);
rsnake_results.push({"data": xss_rsnake[i], "sanitized": out});
collected_results = mini_items.concat(rsnake_results);
dump(JSON.stringify(collected_results)); // full output as JSON
// html-strings to stdout:
for (var i of collected_results) {
After sanitizing all of these attack vectors, I had to review the results. Since this is my first dive into XPCShell tests, I didn't dare to hook all the logic behind script parsing, image loading, event handler registration and so forth. Instead I reviewed the sanitized output by hand (a JSON capable editor helps a lot). After that I also put the combined output into a single HTML file and opened it in the browser. The Firefox Developer Console helped me confirm that no resources were loaded and no scripts executed.
This means that the sanitizer successfully stripped all the scripts tags, self-submitting forms and event handlers: Security Review done!
For convenience, I have uploaded my test results as a JSON file. It is
an array of objects in the format {"data": "...", "sanitized": "..."}